Sami Wirkkala (1948) is interior designer and industrial designer and he worked in his father’s office from 1970 to 2000. For Rosenthal he started to work from 1978.
Sami Wirkkala (1948) sisustusarkkitehti ja teollinen muotoilija työskenteli isänsä toimistossa vuodesta 1970 aina vuoteen 2000. Rosenthalilla Sami työskenteli vuodesta 1978.
designer clock Nr. 10 Time in Motion , Rosenthal
vase Origami 4074 1992, Rosenthal
vase & candlestick 3708, Rosenthal
Jug and mug, 1981 Rosenthal (Kronach)
serie Tampere”3520, Rosenthal, decor 22 40xx
Punchservice Tampere 23520, Rosenthal, decor 22 4001
serie Tampere 23520 , Rosenthal, decor 22 4001
double asher 2528, Rosenthal, decor 110002
decor for Cupola- moccacup, design Mario Bellini, Rosenthal
vase, candlestick, decor Skyline for Thomas
à la carte salt & pepper shaker and toohtpickjar for Thomas